Gruesome Disney Remakes

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Beauty and The Bloody by Grant Waud is a Modern-Day Beauty and the Beast

The young and talented photographer with a love for blood and gore is back with another captivating series. Grant Waud has released a collection of photos he calls Beauty and The Bloody.

This intriguing series features two models who reenact a modern-day Beauty and The Beast. The Beast in this series however seems to resemble Two-Face from the Batman series more than the hairy creature people saw as kids in the Beauty and The Beast film.

Grant Waud captures immense detail and emotion in his subjects. The amazing makeup and aesthetics were done by Kathleen Groves, who is Waud’s partner in crime when it comes to his photography. After viewing breathtaking photos like these, it is hard to wait for Grant Waud’s next photography series.
Trend Themes
1. Gory Photography - Exploring the trend of photography that embraces blood and gore for artistic expression.
2. Modern Fairy Tale Adaptations - Adapting classic fairy tales into modern and dark interpretations, capturing the current cultural zeitgeist.
3. Collaborative Artistry - Fostering partnerships between photographers and makeup artists to create visually stunning and impactful images.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Creating a niche market for gory and unconventional photography, appealing to a target audience fascinated by the macabre and horror aesthetics.
2. Film and Entertainment - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Producing darker and more gritty adaptations of classic fairy tales, catering to the growing demand for unconventional, edgy content.
3. Beauty and Cosmetics - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Collaborating with unconventional photographers to push the boundaries of makeup artistry, appealing to individuals seeking unique and avant-garde beauty trends.

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