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Flowing Data Transforms Movie Quotes into Data

The cleverly geeky minds over at Flowing Data have transformed those lovable silver screen cliches into statistical data. Sure to make any movie buff's day, the Famous Movie Quotes infographic takes definitive movie lines and transfers their meaning into pie charts, graphs and other visual aids. Removing the emotion and quotable inflection of these potent verbal expressions, Flowing Data approaches these outbursts of emotion clinically, which make for one hilarious visual exercise.

Featuring some of cinema's most timeless characters, this infographic takes the words right of their mouths and needlessly explains simplistic logic behind them. It is doubtful anyone has ever been confused by the expression "here's looking at you kid," but in case that classic scene from 1942's romantic epic Casablanca left you scratching your head, Flowing Data has just the visual for you.

Dead-pan in its approach to this ridiculous cause, this infographic a bonafide knee-slapper. The Famous Movie Quotes infographic is sure to have you rolling in the isles.
Trend Themes
1. Data Visualization - Utilizing data to create visually engaging representations of information can provide a fresh and innovative way to explore popular culture.
2. Infographic Design - Transforming complex concepts, such as movie quotes, into easy-to-understand visual aids can enhance communication and engagement.
3. Analyzing Pop Culture - Applying statistical analysis to aspects of pop culture, like famous movie quotes, can provide unique insights and a new perspective on familiar topics.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Using data visualization and infographics can revolutionize the way movie quotes are presented and analyzed, enhancing the movie-watching experience.
2. Market Research - Applying data visualization techniques to examine popular culture phenomena, like movie quotes, can provide valuable insights for market research and consumer behavior analysis.
3. Visual Communication - The use of infographics and data visualization in visual communication industries, such as advertising and design, can help convey complex ideas in a visually appealing and engaging manner.

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