Lightly Carbonated Hard Ciders

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The Portland Kinda Dry Cider is a Refreshing Alternative to Beer

The Portland Kinda Dry Cider is positioned as a refreshing libation that is created using 100% Northwest apples to create a lightly carbonated drink to enjoy.

The market for alternative alcoholic drinks such as cider is seeing a dramatic increase as consumer demographics such as Millennials shift away from drinks like beer in search of a more flavorful alternative. Businesses and brands are responding with products that are packed with flavor, offer a refreshing experience and that are crafted using locally sourced ingredients rather than those farmed out of country.

The Portland Kinda Dry Cider is created with a focus on balanced dryness and is made using Gala, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Jonagold and Golden Delicious apple varieties.
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Demand for Alternative Alcoholic Drinks - As consumers shift away from traditional drinks like beer, there is a growing market for flavorful alternatives such as hard ciders.
2. Locally Sourced Ingredients and Unique Blends - Businesses are responding to the demand for unique and flavorful drinks by using locally sourced ingredients and creating unique blends of apple varieties.
3. Balanced and Refreshing Flavor Experiences - Consumers are seeking out drinks with a balance of dryness and sweetness that provide a refreshing experience.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The alcoholic beverage industry can capitalize on the growing demand for alternative drinks by creating unique blends and locally sourced options.
2. Craft Cider Production - Craft cider producers can differentiate themselves from traditional alcoholic drinks by offering unique blends and refreshing flavor experiences.
3. Agriculture and Local Sourcing - The trend towards locally sourced ingredients presents an opportunity for agriculture businesses to partner with craft cider producers and create economic benefits for local communities.

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