Curving Concrete Cathedrals

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Church of Seed Offers a Place for Worship & Gathering

Set on the side of one of the famous sacred Taoist mountains in China, Church of Seed is a large concrete structure designed by Hong Kong-based O Studio Architects that provides villagers with a place for both worship and gathering.

Church of Seed is a curving building made of concrete that has been cast into a bamboo framework. The structure comprises three walls that curl around the interior, similar to the casing that surrounds the seed of a plant, describes Dezeen. Inside, there is a central hall decorated with bamboo furniture that can seat up to 60 people, and on one side is a large window, shaped like a cross, that lets in sunlight for natural lighting.

According to the designers, Church of Seed doesn't aggressively promote the Christian religion, but rather its message is conveyed "subtly through the play of light and shadow in this architecture."
Trend Themes
1. Subtle Religious Architecture Design - Designers are exploring the subtle incorporation of religious symbolism in buildings to promote faith without being overt about it.
2. Natural Lighting in Architecture - Designers are incorporating natural light sources creatively to give the building a more organic feel that provides health benefits to occupants.
3. Bamboo-framed Architecture - Designers are using bamboo as a framework when casting concrete to create a sustainable and durable building design.
Industry Implications
1. Religious Architecture - There is a growing need for religious buildings to reflect the beliefs of their community in a way that is respectful and inviting.
2. Sustainable Architecture - Architects are expected to create designs that use eco-friendly and sustainable materials for construction.
3. Interior Design - Interior designers are being called on to create environments that reflect their client's brand values while creating a functional space that meets their needs.

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