Injured Mannequin Campaigns

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The Central Smart Insure Ads Advocates Shopping for Insurance

The Central Smart Insure ad campaign shows just how easy it can be to get hurt, even mannequins can be injured, as well as how easy it can be to protect oneself. Getting personal insurance can be as easy as stepping into a Central Department Store.

Conceived and executed by KingKong, an ad agency based in Bangkok, the Central Smart Insure ad campaign cleverly bridges the gap between bodily injuries and department stores by focusing on poor mannequins. It also provides a healthy remove for the viewer who doesn't want to think about his or her fragility buts needs a push in the right direction in order to get some insurance.

The Central Smart Insure ad campaign was illustrated and photographed by Xivius.
Trend Themes
1. Personal Insurance - Promote innovative insurance products that are easy to understand and obtain.
2. Creative Advertising - Utilize clever concepts and visuals to engage customers and promote brand awareness.
3. Risk Awareness - Highlight the importance of being prepared for unexpected accidents or mishaps.
Industry Implications
1. Insurance - Develop user-friendly platforms and streamlined processes for purchasing insurance.
2. Advertising - Explore unconventional advertising techniques to capture audience attention and convey impactful messages.
3. Retail - Partner with insurance providers to offer customers convenient insurance options and strengthen brand loyalty.

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