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The Bryan Evans ‘apple-Fied’ Campaign Mimics Classic Imager

Bryan Evans’ ‘Apple-fied’ advertisements mimic those released on behalf of the Macintosh brand. The California-based fine artist recognized the simplicity that is inherent in Apple campaigns, and replicated this very trait on his blog via a "product + product name + optional hands touching" formula.

It is interesting to take note of Apple’s minimalist approach. White backdrops are often the rule, displaying products with few, if any, embellishments or captions. Evans’ application of this basic concept to the Bic, Wheat Thins and Coca-Cola labels puts a Mac spin on a variety of unrelated products. His project is grounded in his interest in this specific design niche and its potential ability to take root in independent markets, and given the allure of these designs, he may be on to something.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Advertising - Opportunity for businesses to adopt a minimalist approach in their advertising campaigns to create a sleek and captivating aesthetic.
2. Product Label Replication - Exploration of replicating successful product label designs from one industry to another to create a unique and appealing brand image.
3. Niche Design Influence - Innovative application of design elements from a specific niche to unrelated markets, creating a fresh and attractive visual identity.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Opportunity for fine artists to explore the influence of popular design styles on their own projects, creating unique and captivating artworks.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Integration of minimalist design principles in advertising campaigns to create visually appealing and memorable brand messages.
3. Consumer Packaged Goods - Exploration of replicating successful product label designs across different consumer packaged goods industries to enhance brand recognition and consumer attraction.

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