Kid-Size Comic Book Characters

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The 'Young Avengers' Ad for Target Plays to its Market

The 'Young Avengers' ad for Target hits the nail on the head when it comes to targeting a demographic. Granted, comic book fans are found across many ages, however, when it comes to costumes and toys, kids are still the major market -- or rather, their parents are. This commercial is designed to fill the impressionable minds of children with wonder and want, beckoning them to pull with tireless insistence at the purse strings of their parents.

The commercial makes target look like a kid's promised land. The shelves are brimming with toys. The aisles light up with comic book adventure. Most importantly, the commercial depicts the characters from 'The Avengers' as children and by doing so, creates an immediate connection with its target audience.
Trend Themes
1. Kid-size Comic Book Characters - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create more kid-friendly versions of popular characters to target the youth market.
2. Targeting a Demographic - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop marketing campaigns that specifically target children and appeal to their parents.
3. Impressionable Minds - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design advertisements and products that captivate and inspire children to influence their parents' purchasing decisions.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce a line of toys that feature popular comic book characters as children.
2. Retail Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create themed retail experiences that cater to children, emphasizing the wonder and excitement of comic book worlds.
3. Advertising Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize creative storytelling techniques that portray beloved characters in a new and relatable way to engage the target audience of children and parents.

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