Submerged Streetscape Images

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CarbonStory's World Under Water Illustrates Rising Sea Levels

The World Under Water project by CarbonStory takes images from Google Street View and submerges them in water to raise awareness on the issue of rising sea levels, which affects everyone, not just those on the coasts.

World Under Water highlights several hotspots in the world, including major locations like Times Square in New York City and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. But on the website for World Under Water, there's also the option to put in any street address, simulating what your own neighborhood or home might look like in the future.

If you'd rather not have to put on a bathing suit and leave your house by water taxi every day, CarbonStory urges people to calculate their carbon footprint, offset it and support one of its green crowdfunding projects.
Trend Themes
1. Rising Sea Levels Awareness - Using images from Google Street View submerged in water to raise awareness on rising sea levels.
2. Personalized Street Submersion - Including the option to simulate any street address to help personalize rising sea levels for individuals.
3. Crowdfunding for Green Projects - Encouraging people to support green crowdfunding projects to offset their carbon footprint.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Conservation - Potential for further innovation in the use of technology to promote environmental conservation and awareness.
2. Crowdfunding - Opportunity for further development in the crowdfunding space specifically towards green initiatives.
3. Tourism and Travel - Incorporating submerged street imagery in travel and tourism as an educational tool on climate change and rising sea levels.

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