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Hauntingly Realistic Wire Portraits

Artist Park Seung Mo Debuts Amazingly Realistic Portrait Serie

This month, Korean artist Park Seung Mo exhibited Maya, a sculptural portrait series made entirely of wire mesh. Emotive and incredibly realistic, Park’s series is being recognized for the level of detail he was able to accomplish, and the grueling process by which he produced such meticulous work. To showcase the creative process behind the work, Park released a video on YouTube detailing his approach.

Park’s pieces are created by projecting a photograph onto a ‘canvas’ made of multiple layers of wire mesh. To create the different levels of depth that define Maya, Park snips away at the wire until he is left with an image that is almost identical to the original.

What sets these haunting sculptures apart is the depth that the layering of mesh provides. More realistic than an actual photo, Maya shines light on a powerful artistic medium.

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