Sky-High Landscape Snaps

Photographer Vitaliy Raskalov Captures Dizzying Displays from Up Above

Few people have see the sights that photographer Vitaliy Raskalov has captured, which makes his photography that much more exciting. With snaps from various corners of the planet, Raskalov defies gravity by getting as high as possible on structures and capturing the sights he experiences.

When first perusing Raskalov's work, I got a little bit dizzy; several of his shots are of his feet, looking downward to the ground that is some several thousand feet below in some cases. The other shots he takes that look outward onto major metropolises seem to dwarf our sense of self and make us feel much smaller than we are.

From Dubai to Africa, Raskalov shares his perspective of unfathomable sights with the world through his camera in a way that makes life seem a little bit easier in the midst of so much expansion.
Trend Themes
1. Aerial Photography - New opportunities for high-resolution photographs and videos from exclusive positions
2. Extreme Tourism - Adventurous travel and tourism experiences that allow people to take the world in from new angles and perspectives
3. Vertical Urbanism - The exploration and utilization of the vertical limits of modern cities to aid and enhance new building designs
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Making organized trips to remote and difficult to reach areas for a unique and memorable experience
2. Photography - Developing new equipment and techniques to capture high-quality and unique images from elevated perspectives
3. Architecture - Developing new building designs that allow for more height and provide more panoramic views of surrounding areas

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