All-Vegan Supermarkets

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Portland's 'Veganz' is the First of Its Kind in the United States

Portland's thriving vegan community is set to become even more vibrant with the addition of 'Veganz,' the first all-vegan supermarket in the United States. The supermarket imports products from more than 30 countries around the world, including an assortment of baked goods, imitation animal products and cosmetics.

The Veganz chain was founded in 2011 by Jan Bredack, who used to be employed as a former manager at Mercedes-Benz. As it stands, there are several Veganz locations across Europe in major cities like Berlin, Munich and Prague.

While the store has clear appeal for vegans and vegetarians, the new shop in Portland also hopes to appeal to omnivore consumers who want to expand their horizons with plant-based products.
Trend Themes
1. Vegan Supermarkets - The creation of vegan supermarkets, such as Veganz, will continue to emerge and expand globally.
2. Plant-based Products - The growing demand for plant-based products indicates an opportunity for food manufacturers to expand their offerings.
3. Cosmetics for Vegan Lifestyles - As the market for veganism continues to grow, there will be a need for more cosmetics catered for the vegan community.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - The development of vegan supermarkets will have a significant impact on the retail industry and may even spur more vegan alternatives to traditional supermarket chains.
2. Food Manufacturing Industry - The creation of vegan supermarkets means that food manufacturers should consider expanding their plant-based product offerings to meet the growing demand for vegan options.
3. Cosmetics Industry - The growing vegan community is an opportunity for cosmetics manufacturers to produce more vegan-friendly products to cater to this expanding group of consumers.

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