Triumphant Athletic Ads

This Adidas Ad Acknowledges That 'There Will Be Haters'

Brandishing the #ThereWillBeHaters hashtag as a positive rather than a negative, it's no surprise that this Adidas ad collected millions of views in its first days of being published to YouTube.

The There Will Be Haters video features a rant stating that no matter what you do, there will always be someone who doesn't like it and tries to bring you down. Although hashtags like #smug and #fugly are used over the faces of athletes, this ad's unflappably positive attitude shows that it might not be possible to ever fully stop cruel remarks from being made in the first place, but you always have the ability to rise above them and end up on top.
Trend Themes
1. Positive Resilience Messaging - Brands can embrace positivity in messaging around resilience to inspire and empower customers.
2. Hashtag Marketing Campaigns - Hashtags can be used as a tool for empowerment by brands in marketing campaigns.
3. Athletic Empowerment Ads - Athletic brands can focus on empowerment messaging in ads to create consumer loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Apparel - Sports apparel brands can use empowering messaging to build brand affinity with customers.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising firms can focus on positive messaging in campaigns to boost customer engagement.
3. Sports and Fitness - Sports and fitness brands can use messages of resilience and empowerment to create a sense of community among customers.

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