American Sugar Consumption Charts

Americans Consume About 1.77 Million Skittles in a Lifetime

In 1822, the average American consumed 45g of sugar every five days, whereas Americans now consume 765g of sugar in the same timeframe, according a sugar consumption infographic by

Forty-five grams of sugar equates to about the same amount of sugar found in a 12-ounce soda can. In comparison, Americans now consume 17 times that amount, which equals to about 130 pounds of sugar every year. Such has been the rise in the rate of consumption in sugar that the average American consumes 3,550 pounds of sugar in an entire lifetime -- that's almost 1.77 million Skittles.

The "biggest culprits" are soft drinks at 33 per cent, followed by sugars and candy (16.1), cakes, cookies and pies (12.9), fruit drinks (9.7), dairy desserts and milk (8.6) and other grains (5.8).

Most worrying, though, is the statistic that the American Heart Association recommends no more than 9.5 teaspoons of sugar per day, where as the average adults eats 22 teaspoons of sugar per day, while the average child consumes 32 teaspoons per day, according to the sugar consumption infographic.
Trend Themes
1. Reduced Sugar Products - The trend towards reducing sugar in food and drink products will continue as consumers become more aware of the health risks associated with excessive sugar consumption.
2. Health Education - The trend towards health education will continue as consumers seek more information and education on the benefits of a low sugar diet.
3. Sugar Alternatives - The trend towards sugar alternatives, such as natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners, will continue as consumers look for ways to satisfy their sweet tooth without the negative health effects of sugar.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry will need to innovate and create new products to meet the growing demand for reduced sugar options.
2. Healthcare - The healthcare industry will need to continue to educate consumers on the negative health effects of excessive sugar consumption and encourage a shift towards healthier eating habits.
3. Sweetener Manufacturing - The sweetener manufacturing industry will need to continue to innovate and develop new natural and artificial sweeteners to meet the growing demand for sugar alternatives.

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