Yarn Ball Seating

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Stitch and Wooly by Susanne Westphal Encourages People to Slow Down

Stitch and Wooly are two very cozy chairs. Inspired by the "discovery of slowness," as the designer puts it, these two seats remind people to stop and take a moment to breath. Moreover, they force people to slow down by tempting them with a comfortable resting place as well as a never-ending project of arranging and rearranging the yarn that makes these seats so colorful and inviting.

Designed by Susanne Westphal, an artist based in Halle, Germany, the Stitch and Wooly chairs are left inherently unfinished for just this purpose. As Westphal observes, "Why do we have less time then ever before, although we invented time saving things?" Thanks to Stitch and Wooly, that might change. Westphal says, "The more time you give [Stitch and Wooly], the more they become comfortable and the more time you want to rest in them."
Trend Themes
1. Slowness Appreciation - Creating designs that encourage people to slow down and appreciate their surroundings.
2. Handicraft Seating - Designing seating options that incorporate handicrafts as added features.
3. Unfinished Products - Offering unfinished furniture designs that allow customers to personalize and complete their purchases.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Reimagining furniture designs to incorporate elements of handicrafts and encourage people to slow down.
2. Art - Exploring the intersection of art and furniture design to create unique and thought-provoking pieces.
3. Home Goods - Offering home goods products that encourage people to slow down and more fully enjoy their living spaces.

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