Augmented Reality Snack Boxes

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Special Snack Boxes Promote the Stand by Me Doraemon Movie in 3D

To coincide with the upcoming release of the 'Stand By Me Doraemon' movie in 3D, Glico put out special edition boxes of its snacks like Pocky, Pretz and Bisco that are interactive.

As well as being boxes that use augmented reality, the snacks also come in limited flavors, making them that much more tempting to buy. The inside of the box that holds the snack packets is like a coloring page that can be flattened and colored with any pencil or marker of your choosing. Then to bring Doraemon to life, it's as easy as connecting to the Stand By Me Doraemon app. The exact colors used on the drawing will pop up with the aid of the app, showing a vibrant version of the 2D drawing in 3D, like a teaser of what viewers can expect from the movie.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Packaging - Opportunity for brands to incorporate augmented reality technology into their product packaging to enhance consumer engagement.
2. Interactive Limited-edition Products - Brands can offer interactive limited-edition products to create a sense of excitement and exclusivity among consumers.
3. Mixed Reality Marketing - Using mixed reality experiences as a marketing tool to generate buzz and increase consumer interest in a product or movie.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Snack Industry - Food and snack brands can explore the use of augmented reality packaging to differentiate their products and engage customers.
2. Entertainment Industry - Movie studios can leverage interactive limited-edition products and mixed reality marketing to promote their films and enhance the audience experience.
3. Technology Industry - Technological advancements in augmented reality can open up new opportunities for tech companies to develop innovative solutions for interactive packaging and mixed reality experiences.

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