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The Samu Social 2012 Campaign Brings Awareness to Homeless Abuse

The Samu Social 2012 campaign brings to light a disturbing statistic: "1 in 3 homeless women are victims of rape." It urges people to "stop the nightmare," illustrating this analogy with dark alley scenes and a dash of the impossible. Each homeless woman featured in the print ads are holding the concrete floor up to their chin as though it were a comforting blanket that could keep away the bad men.

Conceived and executed by Publicis, an ad agency based in Conseil, Paris, the Samu Social 2012 campaign does a commendable job at portraying these unfortunate women as the victims they truly are. While some eyes may glaze over real homeless people on the street, it is hard to ignore these ones. It was photographed by Marc Paeps.
Trend Themes
1. Homeless Awareness - Advertising campaigns are utilizing creative messaging to bring attention to homelessness and related issues.
2. Female Empowerment - Ads are highlighting the strength and resilience of homeless women while shining a light on the abuse they face.
3. Social Responsibility - There is a growing trend towards companies and organizations taking a more active role in addressing societal issues like homelessness and abuse.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - There is a need for creative and impactful advertising campaigns that can draw attention to important social issues like homelessness and abuse.
2. Nonprofit - Nonprofit organizations focused on helping homeless individuals and combating abuse can use these ads as a tool for awareness and fundraising.
3. Social Services - Government and municipal social services can leverage these campaigns to increase awareness and spur action towards addressing homelessness and abuse in their communities.

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