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Red Bull Art of Can Exhibit

A while back we featured the Art of Can Exhibit which challenged artists to get creative with Red Bull cans. The works the artists put together are truly amazing. They have worked the silver and blue aluminum cans into the most magnificent sculptures. I suppose after consuming that much caffeine, you'd have the energy to put those creative juices to good use!

The gallery show some more of the incredible submissions that entered the contest, including the intricate sculpture of a female face, complete with eye lashes. It was created by fashion designer Francesca Sloan.

"I cut small squares out of the cans to make the mosaic 1920s Barbie head," she said in an interview with uwish unu. "Used different parts like the barcode for the eye lashes and the red bull logo for different parts of the pupil along with the different blues on the sugar vs sugarfree cans to shade the face."

Other entries seen in the gallery include "Sitting 'Red' Bull" by Bernie Estep which looks like a fancy chair and "Hooked on Red Bull" by Brian Paul McDougall which looks like a sword fish. The video shows even more highlights from the shows.

There have been several exhibitions already, but the final event happens at the Houston Galleria from July 11-25, 2008, with final submission deadline on April 6, 2008. Think you've got a shot? You better start chugging!
Trend Themes
1. Artvertising - Red Bull successfully engaged their consumers through art and creativity, proving that artvertising can be a powerful tool in increasing brand equity.
2. Sustainable Packaging - The use of recyclable Red Bull cans in art pieces presents an opportunity for the beverage industry to promote sustainable packaging and circular economy.
3. Collaborative Marketing - Collaborative campaigns that involve creators and consumers, such as Red Bull's Art of Can exhibit, can create a powerful marketing experience for both parties.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The Art of Can exhibit is an example of how the beverage industry can create innovative marketing campaigns that engage consumers beyond product consumption
2. Art Industry - Artistic competitions sponsored by companies like Red Bull present new opportunities for artists to gain recognition and financial incentive.
3. Recyclable Packaging Industry - The use of cans as sustainable art materials presents new opportunities for the recyclable packaging industry to promote the concept of circular economy and sustainable design.

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