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Realistically Designed Barbie Figures

Nickolay Lamm Creates a Realistic Barbie Size

These designs by Nickolay Lamm express the realistic Barbie size that we would expect in today's society. He started the project last year to depict what the doll would look like if it was reflective of a real woman's body.

Nickolay is a Pennsylvania-based artist who started this project last year. He wanted to design images of what he called "Normal Barbie" in attempt to make the doll reflective of real bodies today. In order to be reflective of a normal body, he used measurements of an average 19-year-old woman from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He then molded the measurements into a 3D model of a Barbie.

The Barbie designer says that, "Average is beautiful." Nickolay is currently trying to sell 5,000 Barbies through a crowdfunding site.

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