Nighttime Asthma Aids

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Protexo Aims to Eliminate Late Night Asthma Attacks

Asthma sufferers are going to want to pay close attention to the progress of the Airsonnet's Protexo. Protexo is a new device designed to ease the suffering of those who get nighttime asthma attacks.

According to Airsonnet, the heat from a sleeping person's body rises at night and draws the cooler air above the person up. The air takes with it all of the particles and allergens present on bed sheets as it moves up the body, eventually settling at the head. Protexo blows filtered air slightly cooler than room temperature to counteract this. In a study conducted by Airsonnet, those who used Protexo for a year reported a 14 to 15 percent increase in their quality of life. There is currently no set date or price for Protexo, but this device is definitely one that asthmatics will want to keep their eyes on.
Trend Themes
1. Air Filtration Systems - Protexo's success suggests a demand for innovative air filtration systems that can identify and eliminate airborne allergens, particles and pollutants that trigger asthmatic reactions.
2. Smart Healthcare Devices - Protexo demonstrates the potential for smart healthcare devices that combine IoT with AI-driven sensors to proactively monitor and alleviate medical conditions.
3. Sleep Tech - Protexo highlights the opportunity for sleep tech that can improve sleep quality by creating an optimal breathing environment for people with respiratory issues.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage insights from Protexo to develop new products and services that improve patient outcomes and experiences.
2. Home Appliances - Protexo represents a disruptive innovation opportunity for manufacturers of home appliances, particularly air purifiers and fans, that can create smart, effective and affordable solutions for asthma sufferers.
3. Sleep Products - Protexo's success highlights the potential for sleep product manufacturers to create intelligent, adaptable solutions that respond to individual needs and environmental factors, thereby improving customers' quality of life.

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