Life-Proving Photography

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Patrick Swayze Releases Photos to Counteract Twitter Death Rumors

If you've been reading about Patrick Swayze on Twitter, chances are you came across a rumor that the Dirty Dancing Star passed away. Well, Swayze heard the gossip too and wanted to set things straight, so he sent the media a a recent photo of himself and his wife on their New Mexico ranch to prove he's still very much alive.

The rumors about Patrick Swayze on Twitter were started by a Florida radio station who falsely stated said he had lost the battle against pancreatic cancer, but with this new photo proof from the actor himself, the station certainly lost credibility.
Trend Themes
1. Life-proof Photography - The trend of using photography to disprove false claims or rumors about individuals or companies can be leveraged by PR firms and personal brand management services.
2. Real-time Social Media Monitoring - The trend of real-time social media monitoring can be capitalized upon by media outlets and PR firms to immediately and effectively counteract false rumors and negative publicity.
3. Branding Through Personal Proofing - The trend of personal proofing can be utilized by individuals to establish and reinforce their personal brand image.
Industry Implications
1. Public Relations - The public relations industry can benefit from these trends by offering real-time social media monitoring and personal proofing services to clients.
2. Media - The media industry can benefit from this trend by countering false claims and rumors as they arise in order to maintain credibility and accuracy.
3. Personal Brand Management - The personal brand management industry can benefit from this trend by incorporating personal proofing as a key element of their services, helping individuals establish and reinforce their personal brand image.

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