Complimentary Car Info Sessions

The BMW 'Encore' Vehicle Ownership Program Enhances Experiences

When it comes to BMW ownership, the brand is dedicated to ensuring drivers are fully versed in their new vehicle with the BMW 'Encore' vehicle ownership program.

New owners of a BMW in North America are privy to an exclusive appointment with a dedicated advisor who will take care of answering any and all questions about the care.

The BMW 'Encore' service is designed to be used after drivers have had a chance to experience the car first hand, drive it for a while and build a list of questions. With the number of luxury automotive purchasers rising, the BMW 'Encore' vehicle ownership program offers a friendlier way to learn about a complex vehicle. Those ready to take advantage of the service can book an appointment whenever they're prepared.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Automotive Ownership Programs - As more people are purchasing luxury vehicles, offering exclusive and personalized ownership programs like BMW's Encore service can enhance the overall ownership experience.
2. Personalized Customer Services - Creating a dedicated advisor program, like BMW's Encore service, can provide owners with a personalized experience and build customer loyalty.
3. In-car Technology Education - As cars become more technologically advanced, offering exclusive vehicle ownership programs like Encore can help educate customers on how to use these features and enhance the overall driving experience.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The BMW Encore service shows how the automotive industry can enhance the ownership experience through personalized services and education programs.
2. Luxury Goods Industry - As luxury automotive purchases continue to rise, creating exclusive ownership programs can provide customers with a personalized experience that sets the brand apart from others in the luxury goods industry.
3. Technology Industry - As in-car technology advances, there is an opportunity for the technology industry to partner with automotive companies to create education programs, like BMW's Encore service, to teach customers how to use these features.

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