Facial Identity Investigations

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Scotland Yard Uses its London Riot Recognition System, Nabs Baddies

Although the civil unrest has since died down, Scotland Yard and other British intelligence services have initiated a London Riot Recognition system capable of matching security camera footage to almost anyone’s Facebook profile.

With this kind of technology kicking around, it certainly is a bad time to be a criminal! Begrudged citizens and opportunists alike will be subject to the London Riot Recognition program that connects the pictures you’ve uploaded to the Internet with CCTV footage recorded during the turbulent London demonstrations. Developed in preparation for the 2012 London Olympics, Scotland Yard has largely been silent concerning the software, however, we do know that arrests and legal charges continue to be doled out despite the now-safe conditions in London.

To be entirely frank, this kind of tech is difficult to swallow. On one hand, it’s invaluable as a crime-fighting resource. Contrariwise, it could be used to questionable, even antagonistic ends. Only time will tell how we control and deploy facial recognition software.
Trend Themes
1. Facial Recognition Software - There is an opportunity for the development of facial recognition software that could be used in various industries beyond law enforcement, such as travel, retail, and healthcare.
2. Government Surveillance - There is a potential to enhance and standardize government surveillance systems using advanced technologies in the form of rapid response raids, and crowd management systems.
3. Online Privacy and Security - There is a need for more advanced digital privacy protection with the increasing usage of facial recognition technology and its integration with social media platforms and other internet tools.
Industry Implications
1. Law Enforcement - Facial recognition technology could be used to improve investigations, policing, and security operations in various law enforcement agencies globally.
2. Retail and Marketing - Facial recognition and related technologies could be used to enhance consumer experiences while shopping online and in brick-and-mortar stores.
3. Hospitality and Travel - Facial recognition could be applied to various processes in the travel and hospitality sectors, such as passport control, security verification, and baggage handling to improve efficiency and customer experience.

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