AR Movie Lenses

The Jumanji DVD Uses Snapchat Lenses to Immerse Viewers in a Jungle Enviroment

To promote the release of the Jumanji DVD, Blu-Ray and 4K UHD, Sony Pictures decided to give buyers the chance to enter the world of the movie. This was accomplished by utilizing Snapchat's existing AR lenses and special Snapcodes on each box for the film. This feature would allow anyone to scan a Snapcode on the Jumanji DVD box, without having to purchase the actual copy, and would present them with a special Snapchat 3D World Lens. The lens would then allow the user to view their environment as an animated jungle.

Those who actually purchase the Jumanji DVD would find a second Snapcode hidden inside the packaging. This second code would give buyers another 3D World Lens, which shows actors Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson coming out of the Jumanji world and onto an AR version of the board game.
Trend Themes
1. Enhanced Movie Experience - Movie studios can leverage AR technology to create immersive experiences beyond the movie screen, enticing more consumers to purchase physical copies of their movies.
2. Differentiated Product Packaging - Including AR Snapcodes on packaging can make physical products stand out and provide added value to consumers, encouraging them to choose one product over another.
3. AR for Ad Campaigns - Brands can utilize AR lenses in their advertising campaigns to engage with consumers in new and exciting ways and showcase their products in a creative and memorable fashion.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Movie studios can use AR technology to revolutionize the way their audiences experience movies and enhance their marketing strategies.
2. Packaging - Including AR Snapcodes on packaging can provide added value to consumers, differentiate products and increase sales for various industries.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Brands can leverage AR lenses to create immersive campaigns that engage consumers and leave a lasting impression for various industries.

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