Touchscreen Shoe Displays

Interactive Screens at Torfs Help Consumers Browse for Products

Torfs is a Belgian shoe retailer that has designed a 'Connected Store' that features interactive screens to help consumers browse products, check inventory and connect with the brand.

In addition to being able to identify some of the most popular styles of the moment, the interactive screen makes it easy for consumers to pick up a new pair of shoes. In the case that a shopper is unable to find a desired size or color, they are able to use the screen to place a web order. In addition to being able to help consumers discover new products, the touchscreen station also provides a place where they can instantly subscribe to the newsletter or view the brand's recent social media posts.

The Connected Store from Torfs also features an interactive gaming table for children in the Kid's Corner to keep young ones entertained.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Screens - The use of interactive screens in retail stores provides opportunities for personalized shopping experiences and seamless integration of online and offline channels.
2. Connected Stores - The concept of connected stores, integrating technology and physical spaces, enables retailers to enhance customer engagement, optimize inventory management, and improve overall shopping experiences.
3. Retail Gamification - The inclusion of interactive gaming tables or other gamified experiences in retail stores offers a way to engage and entertain customers, particularly young ones, while also promoting brand loyalty and increasing foot traffic.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - The use of touchscreen displays and interactive technology in retail settings presents opportunities for innovative customer experiences, streamlined operations, and increased sales.
2. E-commerce - The integration of interactive screens in physical stores allows for seamless online ordering and inventory management, bridging the gap between physical and digital retail channels.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Interactive screens and connected stores provide new avenues for targeted advertising, personalized promotions, and data-driven customer insights, revolutionizing marketing strategies and consumer engagement.

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