Comfort Food Coffeehouses

IHOP Cafe Hops On the High-End Java Bandwagon

The IHOP Cafe is a San Antonio offshoot of the International House of Pancakes that seems to target the coffeehouse-and-upscale-cafe set. Instead of the family-friendly diner you might imagine when you think of IHOP, the IHOP Cafe serves specialty coffees, wraps, sandwich melts, smoothies, and gourmet pancakes.

We're seeing a number of restaurants known for fast food or casual dining kick it up a notch and launch luxury offshoots to target a more discerning client base. Check out some of these restaurants below.
Trend Themes
1. Upscale Fast Food - Fast food restaurants creating high-end offshoots to target a more discerning client base
2. Specialty Coffees - Food and beverage establishments expanding their menus with specialty coffee options
3. Gourmet Pancakes - Restaurant chains incorporating gourmet pancake options into their menus
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains have an opportunity to capture a more upscale clientele by launching luxury offshoots
2. Coffee - Coffeehouses can capitalize on the growing demand for specialty coffee options
3. Restaurant - Restaurants can leverage the trend of incorporating gourmet versions of traditional comfort foods to cater to a more discerning clientele

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