360-Degree Video Loops

Gfycat Now Hosts 360-Degree GIF-Like Videos

If there were one file type that could be said to represent the psychology of the internet as it exists today, it would be the GIF, but Gfycat, the GIF platform, is looking to make a file even more representative of the internet zeitgeist. The site has recently unveiled a new, GIF-like file that shows looping videos in 360 degrees, adding a previously non-existent depth and dynamism to the GIF.

360-degree video, the type that populates virtual reality headsets the world over, is slated to be the entertainment style of record for vast swaths of content producers in the coming years. While GIFs aren't a form of entertainment in the same way as a series or a film, they're nonetheless a means of conveying jokes and personality, so it's sensible that Gfycat would look to 360-degree video as well.
Trend Themes
1. 360-degree Video Gifs - Creating 360-degree video GIFs expands the already popular GIF format by adding interactivity and depth for more engaging content.
2. 360-degree Video Advertising - 360-degree video loops can provide advertisers with new opportunities to create more immersive and interactive ads.
3. 360-degree Video on Social Media - Social media platforms could integrate 360-degree video loops to create a more engaging and immersive social media experience for users.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - 360-degree video GIFs can offer a new way for filmmakers and content creators to showcase their work while providing audiences with a more immersive experience.
2. Advertising Industry - 360-degree video loops can provide advertisers with new ways to create more immersive and interactive ads, allowing them to showcase their products in a more engaging way.
3. Social Media Industry - Integrating 360-degree video loops into social media platforms can create a more immersive social media experience for users, boosting engagement and user retention.

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