Political Drag Queen Portraits

These Funny Political Portraits Show That 'War Drags You Out'

Artist Saint Hoax put together some rather funny political portraits that transform some of the most iconic world leaders into drag queens.

The series is quite cleverly titled 'War Drags You Out' and features the men depicted with much more glitz, glamour, makeup and sequins than they would ever be caught dead in. The animated gifs featured on Saint Hoax's website show the artist's process of turning these serious political faces into stage-ready drag queens.

Of course, one of the most fabulous things about drag is that it's transformative. In addition to these comical makeovers, Saint Hoax also gives the political leaders new names, turning Barack Obama into the fabulous "Baricka O'Bisha" and Vladimir Putin into a very dolled up "Vladdy Pushin." Saint Hoax notes that "unlike drag queens, the fame hungry leaders don't know when to take their costumes off."
Trend Themes
1. Political Drag Queen Art - The trend of incorporating political satire with drag queen themes creates new and unique ways to provoke thought and conversation.
2. Animated Political Portraits - The trend of blending traditional portraiture with animated elements adds a new dimension to artistic expression and public displays.
3. Pop-culture Political Commentary - The trend of using popular culture references as a tool for political commentary provides a unique way to communicate complex ideas to a wider audience.
Industry Implications
1. Artisanal Portrait Production - There is an opportunity to disrupt the traditional portrait industry by incorporating craft and creativity into traditional formats.
2. Online Art Sales - The online marketplace for art has an opportunity to feature edgier and more unique pieces that may not have a place in the traditional gallery structure.
3. Print Media and Publishing - Independent magazines and online publications have an opportunity to fuel conversations and commentary on political and social issues through unique visual representations of political figures.

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