Emotion-Detecting Driving Systems

Affectivia is Using Emotion-Tracking AI to Make Driving Safer

Emotion-measuring technology company Affectivia is hoping to further innovate autonomous AI technology with its technologically astounding emotion-tracking AI. The new AI service will allow creators of autonomous vehicles -- and other transportation systems -- the ability to track users' emotional responses while driving and can ensure safer driving in various conditions.

The emotion-tracking AI system currently uses a host of RGB cameras and near-infrared cameras to create confidence scores based on various elements that are used to track emotion. The system can already detect emotions like joy, surprise, fear or anger from a person's face, and can even identify drowsiness, yawning and other signs of driver fatigue.

Affectivia is currently focusing its artificial intelligence system on semi-autonomous vehicles, with a particular interest in safety and facilitating the handoff between humans and machines. While the focus is currently on drivers, Affectivia will change the focus to passengers once autonomous vehicles hit the road. The use of the tracking system in vehicles could allow for comfort settings to be adjusted based solely on the emotional response of passengers and drivers.
Trend Themes
1. Emotion-tracking AI - The use of emotion-tracking AI technology has potential to increase safety and comfort in autonomous vehicles.
2. Semi-autonomous Vehicles - The focus on semi-autonomous vehicles provides an opportunity to improve safety and human-to-machine handoffs.
3. Passenger Emotion Tracking - Tracking the emotions of passengers could allow for tailored comfort settings and increased satisfaction during transportation.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can utilize emotion-tracking AI technology to improve the safety and comfort of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles.
2. Transportation - Emotion-tracking AI can be used to create safer and more comfortable transportation experiences for passengers and drivers alike.
3. Artificial Intelligence - The development of emotion-tracking AI technology represents a disruptive innovation opportunity within the artificial intelligence industry.

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