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Detailed Describing Drug Experiences

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These Drug Words are Used to Explain the Experience

These drug words are the best way to explain the experience you will feel while taking the drugs, as well as words most commonly used to describe the drug. It is undeniable that some people will take drugs in their lifetime, regardless of what kind. The names change every so often depending on society and pop culture.

Drug usage in films is very prominent and many of us have associated drug words to most of the drugs that are commonly portrayed in film and television. Movies showcase a lot of different experiences with it comes to drug usage like euphoria and escape, but it doesn’t always end will for the drug user.

A group of designers and researchers at decided to address any misconception people may have with a certain drug or drug usage in general. They constructed a detailed visualization that describes the drug words that people use today for heroin, LSD, cocaine and others.


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