Color-Coded Potato Bags

This New Line of Organic Potatoes from 'Downey Farms' Uses Simple Branding

Downey Farms recently unveiled its latest line of organic potatoes. In order to create a clean, simple and informative package, the brand worked with copier Jim Diorio, photographer James MacDonald and illustrator Shawn Murenbeeld.

The organic line consists of three specific potato types that are differentiated by name and color. All of the potatoes are packaged in clear bags with a white label on the front, which contains the brand's name and style of potato. The yellow potatoes are packaged with yellow highlights and the phrase "buttery and crispy." The russet potatoes use green-colored accents and the phrase "light and smokey." Lastly, the red potatoes boast red-colored accents and the phrase "rich and creamy."

Downey Farms was able to create a cohesive packaging design while ensuring consumers were able to clearly identify and differentiate each style of potato it offers.
Trend Themes
1. Simplified Labeling - Brands can innovate by simplifying the labeling process for consumers and creating cohesive packaging designs.
2. Color-coded Branding - Innovative brands can use color-coded branding to differentiate between product varieties and types.
3. Collaborative Branding - Collaborating with a team of artists and designers can help brands innovate by creating visually appealing packaging that highlights the brand's product offerings.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Agriculture - Innovators in the food and agriculture industry can use simplified packaging and color-coded branding to differentiate between product types and varieties while also creating eye-catching designs for consumers.
2. Graphic Design and Illustration - Innovative designers and illustrators can work with brands to create cohesive and visually appealing packaging designs that differentiate between different types of products and highlight their unique features.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can use simplified packaging and color-coded branding to stand out on store shelves and differentiate between their products in a clear and effective way for consumers.

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