Dancing Doppelganger Applications

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'Doppeldancer' Scans People and Makes Them Dance Virtually

For those who've always wanted to be able to dance like Baryshnikov or James Brown but were cursed with two left feet, Doppeldancer is a way to at least get a glimpse at one's dancing potential. The system uses 3D scanning and graphics software to create digital versions of real people that dance with professional moves.

Created for SSXW this year by Chaotic Moon Studios, Doppeldancer is an excellent use of 3D scanning technology. To use it, subjects enter a scanning room where a futuristic looking scanning light rotates around them, collecting their image. Then, with that data, Chaotic Moon can program the virtual likeness to dance in a variety of styles thanks to pre-programmed moves from professional dancers.

Though the dancing alone is smile-inducing, Chaotic Moon anticipates that its technology could be used for clothing retail to allow people to virtually try on clothes.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Try-on - Using digital versions of people in order to virtually try on clothes.
2. Professional Dance Training - Creating professional dance moves for people using 3D scanning technology.
3. Entertainment Software - Creating enjoyable entertainment experiences such as virtual dance, games or movies.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunities to create virtual try-on clothing systems that realistically depict products.
2. Entertainment - Creating enjoyable entertainment experiences such as virtual dance, games or movies.
3. Fitness - Creating professional dance moves for people to practice and learn through the virtual scanning system.

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