Crowdsourced Sneakers

'RYZ Wear' Makes YOU a Designer

RYZ Wear empowers everyday people to design sneakers. They provide you with a Photoshop template in which you can go wild and creative. When you're finished creating your shoe design, you simply upload your template back to the site where the community judges it.

The most popular shoe designs, as voted by RYZ viewers, are put into production.

Implications - When people purchase shoes, or other articles of clothing, these items closely compliment individual style. When you purchase clothing, your personalization of that item is minimal, with a design that has already been decided on by the designer. Giving the opportunity for consumers to have 100% creative control over apparel is a great way for businesses to close in on what consumers really want.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Design - The ability for everyday people to create and share their own unique designs is disrupting the traditional design process for footwear and fashion.
2. Community-driven Production - Allowing the community to vote on product designs provides a disruptive opportunity for brands to create more personalized and desirable products.
3. Sustainable Fashion - The crowdsourced approach to footwear design may lead to a reduction in waste by producing only the most popular designs instead of mass-producing inventory that may not sell.
Industry Implications
1. Footwear - RYZ Wear's crowdsourced approach to sneaker design has the potential to disrupt the traditional footwear industry by allowing consumers to have full creative control over their footwear.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry may benefit from crowdsourcing designs to increase consumer engagement and create more sustainable and personalized products.
3. E-commerce - Incorporating community-driven production could disrupt the e-commerce industry by better understanding consumer preferences and increasing satisfaction with personalized products.

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