Moving Picture Compilation Blogs

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'Dear Living World' Tumblr Compiles Cinemgram Photos

'Dear Living World' Tumblr archives moving Harry Potter-like photographs, which have been created using the smartphone app Cinemagram.

The blog allows Cinemagram users to submit their creations alongside a caption starting with 'Dear Living World,' to reflect upon their post. The result is an archive of people's joys, contemplations and mindless doodles -- which creates a pretty special sentimental community of users. The Cinemagram app picks a great time to enter the market, piggybacking off the wave of success created by Instagram (and branded with a similar name).

Though the Cinemagram Twitter also 'Retweets' photos 'Tweeted' at them, this blog is a more intimate way for users to share in this novel experience -- and since Tumblr is such a GIF-loving community, some submissions are likely to get massive shares!
Trend Themes
1. Moving Picture Compilation - Apps and platforms that allow users to create and share moving picture collages will continue to gain popularity and users.
2. Sentimental Community - Communities that connect people through shared emotions and experiences will become more prevalent and important in the digital age.
3. Instagram Succession - Apps that offer new and unique ways to share visual content will take over from mainstream apps like Instagram.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Social media platforms will need to continue to innovate and adapt in order to keep up with consumer demand for new and exciting ways to create and share content.
2. Mobile Apps - Mobile app developers will need to keep pace with changing consumer preferences and continue to offer new and innovative ways to create and share content.
3. Digital Content Creation - The demand for tools and platforms that allow users to create and share visual and other forms of digital content will continue to grow and evolve.

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