Barrier-Breaking Beer Ads

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This Corona Ad Tells Mexican People to Not Let Walls Stand in Their Way

This Corona ad references Donald Trump's controversial claims of building a wall between the United States and Mexico and was created in time for election day.

It begins with a shot of a large illuminated Corona sign, which aims to signify the brand's domestic influence. Next, it pans to a suave gentleman who considers the anger many feel towards the candidate's discriminatory claims. However he continues by saying "But we should also be angry at the walls we have here that don't let us move forward."

Following this, the Corona ad shows the man exploring the city and breaking down barriers in his way. With this, the beer brand aims to empower the Mexican people, which is especially powerful considering the timing of its release.
Trend Themes
1. Empowering Mexican People - Corona's ad aims to empower the Mexican people by encouraging them to break down barriers and overcome obstacles.
2. Addressing Discriminatory Claims - The ad references Donald Trump's claims of building a wall and addresses the anger many feel towards discriminatory claims.
3. Timing of Release - The ad was released in time for election day, making it especially potent and relevant.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The ad showcases innovative ways to address social issues and inspire action through creative advertising strategies.
2. Beverage - Corona uses its brand platform to demonstrate its commitment to empowering individuals and promoting social change.
3. Alcohol - The beer industry has the opportunity to take a stand on societal issues and use their platforms to promote inclusivity and unity.

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