Living Coconut Yogurts

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Probiotic-Rich COCOYO is Made with a Base of Raw Young Coconut Meat

GT's Living Foods, which is known for its kombucha beverages, is introducing a new probiotic-rich product with its COCOYO living coconut yogurts. The dairy-free fermented coconut yogurt is being introduced by the brand with flavors like Cacao, Vanilla and Ginger Turmeric, all of which are free from added sugars and uniquely effervescent—thanks to the fact that the yogurt is "live," it expands upon opening.

The nourishing yogurt alternative is made with a base of raw young coconut meat and raw coconut water, plus other key ingredients like stevia as a natural sweetener, probiotic cultures and other ingredients to create the various flavors. With a single spoonful, these coconut yogurts help to support a healthy digestive tract by supporting it with billions of living probiotics.
Trend Themes
1. Probiotic-rich Coconut Yogurts - Opportunity for creating innovative, dairy-free yogurt products using raw young coconut meat and activated probiotics.
2. Expansion of Fermented Coconut Products - Potential for developing new flavors and effervescent characteristics in fermented coconut-based food and beverages.
3. Health-conscious Yogurt Alternatives - Demand for nourishing yogurt alternatives made from natural sweeteners and probiotic cultures.
Industry Implications
1. Health Food Industry - Opportunity for health food brands to introduce probiotic-rich coconut yogurt as a nutritious alternative.
2. Dairy-free Market - Growth potential for dairy-free manufacturers to expand their product offerings to include fermented coconut-based yogurt.
3. Functional Food and Beverage Market - Opportunity to tap into the market for functional foods and drinks that support a healthy digestive tract using living probiotics in coconut yogurt.

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