Beer-Inspired Animations

Artistic Brewery Lagunitas Animates Intoxicated Calls from Customers

Lagunitas collaborated with animators and illustrators to market itself as a playful artistic brewery and to better connect with its consumers through MumblePhone. The company's phone number appears on the packaging of the product, resulting in some hilarious messages over the years. The animation styles of the series differ from one artist to the next -- from skateboard culture-inspired simplicity to transcendental-like shapes and psychedelic dream states.

The recent series of intoxicated calls has been animated by Reece Parker, who adds a wonderfully colorful cartoon aesthetic to the art project. The collaborative movement between creatives and an artistic brewery is a practice that not only supports the artist and the beer product, but endorses an open, fun and a very real relationship between the company and its consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Collaborative Marketing - The practice of collaborating with artists to create innovative marketing campaigns can enhance brand authenticity and consumer engagement.
2. Artistic Branding - Using artistic expressions in branding can help breweries differentiate themselves and connect with consumers on a creative and emotional level.
3. Creative Packaging - Incorporating unique elements, such as company phone numbers, on packaging can lead to unexpected and entertaining interactions with customers.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Brewery - Craft breweries can leverage artistic collaborations to stand out in the highly competitive beer industry and build a loyal customer base.
2. Animation and Illustration - The animation and illustration industry can find opportunities in creating branded content for breweries, showcasing their artistic skills and reaching new audiences.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can explore the potential of working with businesses in the alcohol industry to develop unique and engaging campaigns.

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