Aging Drag Photography

James Hosking Captures the Lives of Aging Drag Queens in Tenderloin

San Francisco-based photographer and filmmaker James Hosking chronicles the life of three aging drag queens performing in the once-celebrated, now nearly-defunct Tenderloin neighborhood.

Donna Personna, Olivia Hart and Collette LeGrande all work at Aunt Charlie's Lounge, Tenderloin's last remaining gay bar. For a neighborhood that once boasted a booming gay nightlife, the current state is more than a little sad. Nonetheless, they all put in a tremendous effort to stay in the game: several hours of hair, makeup and dressing, before singing their hearts out amongst the clientele (the lounge doesn't have a stage) to a song of their choosing.

Hosking was attracted to Personna, Hart and LeGrande specifically because they were around in the early years of drag culture. He admires the fact that these performers fought against earlier days of prejudice and danger to do what they loved.
Trend Themes
1. Aging Drag Queens - Exploring the compelling lives of aging drag queens capturing the essence of their experiences through photography.
2. Tenderloin Neighborhood - Documenting the stories of the nearly-defunct Tenderloin neighborhood and its significant cultural contributions to the LGBTQ+ community.
3. Preserving Drag Culture - Highlighting the efforts of drag performers to preserve and celebrate drag culture in the face of adversity and changing social landscapes.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Offering opportunities for photographers to capture the unique stories and experiences of marginalized communities such as aging drag queens.
2. Entertainment - Creating space for more representation and inclusivity in the entertainment industry by showcasing the vibrant lives of aging drag queens in documentaries and films.
3. LGBTQ+ Community - Supporting and empowering the LGBTQ+ community by shedding light on the history and experiences of drag performers, fostering understanding and acceptance.

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