Hipster Entrepreneurial Tests

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Your Future Startup Answers 'What Kind of Entrepreneur Are You?'

In anticipation of the April 3rd release of the Russian movie ’Startup,’ Moscow-based creative agency Hungry Boys put together the ‘Your Future Startup’ quiz for Danais Films to answer "What kind of Entrepreneur are you?"

Hungry Boys’ creative director Vlad Sitnikov describes that new ventures are popping up all over in Russia and it was their mission "to raise awareness of the movie amongst its target audience, the hipster fraternity."

The quiz asks a user things like what they wanted to be as a kid, or to specify their laziness levels on a scale. Upon completion of the quiz, test-takers will be presented a certificate highlighting some of the traits that they possess that will help them in business, plus some seriously wacky startup ideas, like to open up a massage parlor for teddy bears, or start a personal Instagram cameraman service.

The Your Future Startup quiz is available in both Russian and English versions, try it yourself for some more zany business ideas.
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Entrepreneurship Quizzes - Opportunity to develop personalized entrepreneurial content and tools that engage and entertain users.
2. Popularity of Quirky Startup Ideas - Potential to create unconventional and unique businesses that cater to niche markets.
3. Targeting Specific Audiences with Movie Campaigns - Chance to leverage popular movies to capture the attention of specific market segments and generate awareness.
Industry Implications
1. Creative Agencies - Disruptive innovation opportunity to develop interactive marketing campaigns that incorporate quizzes and personalized content.
2. Entrepreneurship Education - Potential to offer online quizzes and assessments that help individuals identify their entrepreneurial traits and provide tailored advice and resources.
3. Entertainment Industry - Opportunity to collaborate with movies or TV shows to create interactive quizzes or games that engage fans and promote the content.

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