Peace-Making Volleyball Matches

This Volleyball Match Between Japan and China Was Oddly Amicable

The friendly volleyball match that took place on the Senkaku Islands in February is representative of two groups that came together amidst tension between Japan and China. Recently there's been some extreme cases of racism in Japan, such as the huge banner that was put up during the Urawa Reds soccer match declaring "Japanese Only" and increased reports of graffiti meant to exclude certain groups of people.

Rather than make grand political statements about the friendly union, a bunch of girls staged a friendly game of volleyball and invited others to start their own games. One girl stated that "it's not China vs. Japan, it's China and Japan. We are together." This was exaggerated with flag-referencing bikinis, face paint and an adorable friendship between a Godzilla and a panda mascot.
Trend Themes
1. Friendly Sports Matches - Businesses can explore ways to bring opposing groups together through friendly sporting events.
2. Cross-cultural Collaboration - Enterprises can facilitate cross-cultural collaboration through activities that celebrate differences.
3. Community Building Through Sports - Companies can use sports as a tool to bring people together and foster community building.
Industry Implications
1. Sports and Entertainment - There is an opportunity for the sports and entertainment industry to promote peace-making through friendly matches and events.
2. Tourism - The tourism industry can attract visitors by promoting community building activities, such as sports matches, that showcase local cultures.
3. Social Impact - Businesses that focus on social impact can leverage the power of sports to promote unity and collaboration across groups.

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