Digital Vinyl Record Players

The Kontor Back to Vinyl Office Turntable Digitally Plays Records

With the revival of vinyl records, music firm Kontor created The Office Turn Table to play records digitally for a modern day audience. Created as an innovative way to promote the dance track by artist Boris Dlugosch to record labels and DJs, The Office Turn Table lets users listen to a vinyl-quality track on a portable turn table entirely through their smartphones.

Kontor used The Office Turn Table to promote Boris Dlugosch's DJ dance track. The Office Turn Table was sent to music executives and directors at several major labels as an ambiguous white box package containing Boris Dlugosch's latest recording. The box is then converted into a makeshift turn table with a orange vinyl disk that can be placed on top. All users have to then to hear the track is download The Office Turn Table app, hold their smartphones up to the disc, and let it play the song like a record player's needle.
Trend Themes
1. Revival of Vinyl Records - The resurgence of vinyl records has created new opportunities for innovative products and experiences like The Office Turn Table.
2. Digital Music Playback - The development of digital technologies has enabled the creation of digital vinyl record players like The Office Turn Table, allowing users to listen to vinyl-quality tracks through their smartphones.
3. Promotional Experiences - Innovative promotions such as the use of The Office Turn Table as a marketing tool showcase the potential for disruptive marketing strategies in the music industry.
Industry Implications
1. Music - The music industry can capitalize on the revival of vinyl records by exploring innovative ways to engage with consumers through digital vinyl record players.
2. Technology - The development and integration of digital technologies into vinyl record players presents opportunities for technological advancements and digital music playback solutions.
3. Marketing - The use of innovative promotional experiences, such as The Office Turn Table, showcases the disruptive potential of unique marketing strategies in reaching target audiences.

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