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Netflix Has Created a UK Production Hub

Netflix has undertaken the creation of a UK production hub at a well-known location. The location used to be owned by Disney and has hosted the creation of a number of highly successful films including titles like Lawrence of Arabia, Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Gladiator and more. The UK production hub has 14 stages and is located in Surrey.

The purchase of the hub makes sense for Netflix as it is spending vast resources to create content. Since the company is bolstering content, it will need more infrastructure to do so and a location previously owned by Disney is a tried-and-true hub to create content.

Netflix taking control of the location is a manifestation of the current production landscape, where streaming is the leader.
Trend Themes
1. Streaming Production Hubs - As more streaming services strive to create their own content, the creation of production hubs will become increasingly common.
2. Location-based Content Creation - With the acquisition of Disney's former UK production hub, Netflix exemplifies the trend of companies establishing location-based content creation centers for scalability and efficiency.
3. Vertical Integration - Vertical integration, exemplified by Netflix's ownership of its own content creation infrastructure, will continue to disrupt traditional media industries.
Industry Implications
1. Streaming Services - As streaming services like Netflix continue to push for original content, integrated production capabilities will give companies a competitive advantage.
2. Media and Entertainment - The acquisition of production hubs by streaming services represents a shift in the media and entertainment industry towards investment in production infrastructure.
3. Real Estate Development - The rise of location-based content creation centers presents an opportunity for real estate developers to cater to the unique needs of media production companies.

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