Intentionally Ugly Tattoos

Helena Fernandes' So-Called “Ugly” Tattoos are Simplistic and Chic

Brazilian tattoo artist Helena Fernandes is popularizing a style of artistry: ugly tattoos.

Her work consists of simplistic, child-like and off-color drawings. Some of her pieces include stylized images of Wonder Woman, Rick and Morty and Batman. To some, the art may seem unfinished, but her 16,000 Instagram followers and her Facebook page that's filled with five-star reviews suggest otherwise. Her work is quirky, pop culture-focused, and irreverent -- some even say they look like cave paintings. These qualities draw consumers in by rejecting traditional social norms.

The style began with French artist FUZI UVTPK and has gained popularity in Millennial counter-culture movements. The genre is known as "ignorant style tattoos." Those who choose to get inked with ugly tattoos do so because of their quirky designs that feel almost liberating in their carelessness.
Trend Themes
1. Ignorant Style Tattoos - The 'ugly' tattoo trend is disrupting the traditional tattoo industry as quirky, child-like, and irreverent designs gain popularity among Millennials and counter-culture movements.
2. Minimalistic Pop Culture Art - The intentionally 'ugly' minimalist style tattoos could potentially create a new niche market for pop culture enthusiasts who prefer simple and quirky design trends.
3. Imperfect Beauty - The intentionally 'ugly' tattoo trend can inspire a new trend of embracing imperfections that deviates from traditional beauty standards in the beauty industry.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The intentionally 'ugly' tattoo trend can disrupt the traditional tattoo industry as radical and unconventional designs become increasingly popular.
2. Pop Culture Industry - The minimalistic and quirky style of the 'ugly' tattoo trend could potentially create a new market niche for studios, artists, and shops that cater to pop culture enthusiasts.
3. Beauty Industry - The trend could potentially inspire a new beauty industry trend of embracing imperfections and unconventional beauty standards.

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