Content-Converting Streaming Devices

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The 'Edison 3D' TV Set Top Box Converts 2D Content into 3D

Content streaming devices have become commonplace in many households, but the 'Edison 3D' TV set top box is designed as a way to enhance rather than just stream content. Capable of converting 2D content into 3D video, the 'Edison 3D' works with traditional cable TV and can provide an exceptional experience for those who wish to upgrade their viewing experience.

The 'Edison 3D' is currently available for preorder on Kickstarter and comes packed with 3D glasses to make experiencing 3D content possible. The 'Edison 3D' TV set top box comes as a logical next step when it comes to living room entertainment as consumers turn to aftermarket modifications to create enhanced experiences. Best of all, the 'Edison 3D' requires no connection fees or monthly dues to utilize.
Trend Themes
1. Content-converting Streaming Devices - The ability to transform 2D content into 3D video is a new market for content streaming devices.
2. Enhanced Viewing Experience - Consumers are seeking ways to upgrade their living room entertainment experience beyond traditional streaming options.
3. Aftermarket Modifications - Aftermarket modifications for living room entertainment systems are becoming increasingly popular.
Industry Implications
1. Home Entertainment - Enhanced living room entertainment systems are creating a new market for home entertainment companies.
2. Technology - The development of devices like the 'Edison 3D' set top box highlights the need for innovation in the technology industry.
3. Consumer Electronics - New devices, like the 'Edison 3D' set top box, are expanding the options and possibilities for consumer electronics.

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