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Filtrie Lets Consumers Select Which TV Advertisements Are Displayed

Watching TV advertisements can be tiresome to many consumers, especially when the commercials have little to do with the viewer's interests which is why the Filtrie service is designed to provide much more customized programming. The platform lets consumers filter out what ads they want to see and which they don't, allowing consumers to have much more control over the content targeted at them.

Filtrie is essentially a screening platform of sorts that allows consumers to choose ads that are most relevant to them and do away with the rest. While the service doesn't fully eliminate apps, it does cut down on ones that are outside of the viewer's tastes, interests and appropriate content perimeters.

The service is also ideal for parents looking to monitor what their children see on television when they aren't around.
Trend Themes
1. Custom Ad Targeting - Filtrie is a platform that allows users to choose ads that are relevant to their interests or do away with ones that are irrelevant.
2. Selective Ad Viewing - Filtrie allows the viewer to filter out ads they don't want to see and only view ads relevant to their interests, making ad viewing more enjoyable.
3. Personalized Ad Experience - Filtrie creates a more personalized ad experience for the consumer by filtering out irrelevant content and only showing content that is of interest.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising Industry - The Filtrie service disrupts the traditional advertising industry by allowing the consumer to have more control over the ads they see.
2. Broadcast Industry - Filtrie can disrupt the broadcast industry by allowing networks to create more targeted ads and content for their viewers.
3. Parental Control Industry - Filtrie creates and fosters a new industry, catering to parents who want to monitor the content their children see on television.

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