Unapologetic Relationship Blogs

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The 'This is Why You're Single' Tumblr is Hilariously Honest

Funny blogs and Tumblrs are my guilty pleasure and I will be the first to admit that I can spend hours upon hours on them, which is why the 'This is Why You're Single' Tumblr is taking up a large portion of my day.

Similar to the This is Why You're [Still] Single Tumblr, these two photo blogs are full of funny anecdotes, sayings, and photos of stereotypical actions and thoughts of single people.

Some of my favorites from the This is Why You're Single Tumblr are "You call your group of friends 'the dragons'... and you're all in your mid-20s," "OkCupid is your most visited site. More than Gmail, more than Facebook" and "You actually follow the sex tips in Cosmopolitan."
Trend Themes
1. Funny Relationship Blogs - The rise of funny and relatable relationship blogs presents a disruption opportunity for traditional relationship counseling services and advice columnists.
2. Stereotypical Single Life Humor - Brands targeting young, single demographics can leverage the humor and relatability of stereotypical single life content as a marketing opportunity.
3. Photo-based Anecdotal Humor - The popularity of photo-based anecdotal blogs demonstrates an opportunity for photo-sharing platforms to diversify their content and incorporate more humorous, relatable memes.
Industry Implications
1. Relationship Counseling Services - Relationship counseling services can innovate by incorporating humor and relatable anecdotes into their traditional advice models to better resonate with younger, humor-seeking audiences.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Advertising and marketing agencies can create campaigns that leverage the humor and relatability of single life content, particularly on social media platforms popular with young, single users.
3. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms can diversify their content and incorporate more photo-based anecdotal humor as a way of retaining and engaging young, humor-seeking users.

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