Female-Empowering Platforms

WIE Network Features Insights & Inspiration from World-Changing Women

With inspiring entrepreneurs in the world like Diane von Furstenberg, Melinda Gates, Nadja Swarovski, The WIE Network project proposes introducing a dedicated space on the web for sharing insights from some of the world's most powerful women. The WIE Network is envisioned as an all-in-one online platform that will feature video content, interviews and the top new stories of the day. This platform will become a source for all things on trailblazing women, including tips on how they manage to succeed in their careers or life in general.

As well as having appeal to female entrepreneurs, the network also has the potential to inspire women and girls all across the globe. Social entrepreneur, marketing strategist and founder of The WIE Network Dee Poku-Spalding launched her project on Kickstarter, hoping that others will see the need for this platform to celebrate and inspire women who are on a mission to change the world.
Trend Themes
1. Female Empowerment - Create platforms that showcase the success of women, provide insights and inspiration with an aim to empower women globally.
2. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - Develop a comprehensive online platform that features video content, interviews, and top news stories of the day to help entrepreneurs on their journey of success.
3. Social Entrepreneurship - Fuse social mission and business acumen and develop campaigns to promote gender equality, women empowerment and social causes through web-based channels.
Industry Implications
1. Online Media - Create an all-in-one online platform featuring video content, interviews and news stories on female empowerment, entrepreneurship and leadership to attract readership and advertising revenue.
2. E-commerce - Develop an e-commerce store which sells products designed and created by female entrepreneurs featuring motivational stories, product images and reviews highlighting women-led businesses.
3. Non-profit Organization - Establish a non-profit social entrepreneurship organization that empowers women globally and develop research, events and campaigns to support female-led innovation and entrepreneurship.

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