Textured Mediterranean Rugs

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The Roots Collection Features Four Styles of Flat-Woven Rugs

Designed by Inma Bermudez, the Roots collection of rugs is an ode to the designer's Mediterranean heritage. The series is made from jute fibers and weft with cotton. Richly textured and handmade in India, the rugs are made for Gan, a home decor brand.

Roots rugs are available in four styles. All models feature a pattern of repeated square shapes at different and unique scales. They are also available in four sizes ranging from 96 by 144 centimeters to 240 by 288 centimeters. The flat-woven rugs highlight the subtle differences in material and color. They feature ranging earthy hues of beige, ochre, and brown. As a result, the Roots Collection fits into a wide variety of decor schemes seamlessly.
Trend Themes
1. Mediterranean-inspired Home Decor - Entrepreneurs can create a range of home decor products inspired by the textures and patterns found in Mediterranean culture.
2. Eco-friendly Materials in Home Decor - There is an opportunity to design and produce home decor products that use more sustainable materials such as jute fibers and cotton.
3. Customizable Flat-woven Rugs - Entrepreneurs can create a platform that allows customers to choose the size and style of flat-woven rugs, giving them more control over the design of their home decor.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The Roots Collection demonstrates a demand for unique and textured home decor products, especially those made from eco-friendly materials.
2. Textiles and Fabrics - There is an opportunity for textile companies to develop new fabrics and weaves that incorporate eco-friendly materials and patterns inspired by different cultures.
3. Online Custom Home Design Platforms - Entrepreneurs can create a web-based service that allows customers to customize and purchase flat-woven rugs and other home decor products, providing a unique user experience and a more personalized product.

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