AR Rainforest Exhibitions

The ArtScience Museum's 'Into the Wild' Features Tech from Google

Located in Singapore, close to the rainforests of Indonesia, the ArtScience Museum recognizes the importance of preserving that biodiverse region. However, efforts to raise public interest in that cause come up against a tricky problem: most people have never seen a rainforest, making it difficult for them to connect to it on a visceral level. Fortunately, the ArtScience Museum is working to tackle that problem thanks to a collaboration with Google.

'Into the Wild: An Immersive Virtual Adventure' is an augmented reality experience that people visiting the ArtScience Museum can access through provided Lenovo Phab 2 Pros. Walking around the space, the device acts as a window onto a virtual rainforest bustling with creatures. Within the augmented reality space, users have the option to plant a virtual tree that, along with a donation, will contribute to a real tree being planted in the Rimbang Baling rainforest in Indonesia.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Experiences - AR technology allows for immersive experiences that can transport users to different environments, such as a virtual rainforest.
2. Virtual Adventure Tourism - Virtual reality and augmented reality can provide a new form of tourism, allowing people to explore and interact with remote or inaccessible destinations.
3. Sustainable Fundraising - Through the use of augmented reality technology and virtual experiences, organizations can raise funds for important causes like rainforest preservation.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - AR and VR technology can enhance the tourism industry by offering unique and captivating virtual experiences.
2. Conservation - The conservation industry can leverage augmented reality to raise public awareness and support for important environmental causes.
3. Technology - The development and deployment of augmented reality technology opens up new opportunities for companies and startups in the tech industry.

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