Beat-Up Emoji Ads

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Volkswagen's Text and Drive Campaign Ads Show Mangled Emoticons

As part of a text and drive campaign, these print ads by Volkswagen feature some pretty bruised and battered emojis, showing the dangers of distracted driving. Popular emoticons like ones with big smiley faces, the one that sticks its tongue out and the one with the cool sunglasses are transformed into wrecks with bandaged heads, knocked out teeth, smashed up sunglasses and bloodied faces.

Without having to use very many words at all, the ads by Germany's DDB Tribal Group cleverly communicate the consequences of texting and driving in a playful and relevant but hard-hitting way, especially to youth, although in real life things could end up far worse and far more graphic than these ads present.
Trend Themes
1. Distracted Driving Messaging - There is a trend towards visually eye-catching messaging campaigns to discourage texting and driving.
2. Playful Shock-marketing - There is a trend towards using smart and humorous advertising tactics to deliver serious messages.
3. Use of Emojis in Ad Campaigns - There is a trend toward the widespread use of Emojis as a popular method of messaging.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Companies in the automotive sector could utilise playful, impactful messaging campaigns to discourage distracted driving.
2. Advertising Industry - Marketers could incorporate more use of smart and humourous tactics for delivering impactful messages.
3. Mobile Technology Industry - Companies working on mobile technology could partner with car manufacturers to incorporate messaging systems that discourage texting whilst driving.

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