Political Ballot Blasters

Broadcast Your Political Beliefs With the Tar-and-Feather Gun

You may want some political payback considering the increasingly turgid situation of the global financial system and the Tar-and-Feather Gun will ensure you get even with the representatives who have so excellently misrepresented your interests.

Forget sending an email, picketing the national parliament or signing a petition, the Tar-and-Feather Gun provides the most direct and entertaining method of political expression. Originally called the ‘Portable Pneumatic Variable Payload Delivery Device,’ this gun accepts tar, feather, flour and shaving cream cartridges to truly embarrass its target. Instructables, the website responsible for this ingenuous weapon, used household parts to construct the rapid reloading system, should you find the need to double-tap your victim with an extra round of junk to the face.

In all seriousness, using the Tar-and-Feather Gun on anyone besides a willing subject would be foolhardy at best and sadistically fun at the worst.
Trend Themes
1. Political Expression Devices - The Tar-and-Feather Gun is just one example of a device that allows individuals to directly and creatively express their political beliefs.
2. DIY Political Activism - Platforms like Instructables enable individuals to create their own innovative political tools and weapons, opening the door to a new wave of DIY political activism.
3. Entertaining Political Protests - The Tar-and-Feather Gun and similar devices add an element of entertainment to political protests, capturing attention and making a statement.
Industry Implications
1. Weapon Manufacturing - Companies in the weapon manufacturing industry could explore the production of non-lethal political expression devices like the Tar-and-Feather Gun.
2. Online DIY Communities - Platforms like Instructables could see increased engagement and growth as individuals turn to DIY solutions for their political activism needs.
3. Event Management - Event management companies could cater to the rising demand for unique and entertaining political protests that involve devices like the Tar-and-Feather Gun.

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